Monday, November 8, 2010


On November 4th, I drew a picture of NARASAKI from COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS for my ART2 (Beginning Drawing) class. I tweeted him a link to the image... AND I GOT AN AWESOME REPLY BACK.
You have no idea how much that made my day... <3 Scheming with Spray Paint
(The title is referenced to one of their songs, Deepers Are Scheming.)

Screencap of the tweets

Friday, August 13, 2010


This is just a random post...
Yesterday, I played Jet Set Radio Future for the first time on XBox.
I thought it was awesome that you could make custom graffiti tags so I made one!

Here's my custom tag behind Gum.
My tag says "HASARDEUX" which means "HAZARDOUS" in French... it's another one of my aliases...
(by the way, i took the picture with my phone...)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Seagull Ultimatum

I drew something for the band, The Seagull Ultimatum.

Vincent: can you draw a seagull holding a gun to some dude's head and the dude is all "killing me won't bring her back" and the seagull says, "that's a damn shame"

Diana (The Seagull Ultimatum): hi [HT], i am part of the seagull ultimatum (a band) and it was through that in which vincent asked for the picture of the bird/gun/captions. the point here being that i too would like to say: you're awesome.

The drawing:

The Seagull Ultimatum Facebook page:

The quotes are from this comic strip:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Just Be Friends photo shoot [6.10.2010]

Just Be Friends
private photoshoot [6.10.2010]
Megurine Luka cosplay [Vocaloid 2] by Crystalike
photography by HT

I think this is my best photography yet!
I hope I can improve my photography skills more in the future.
Crystal's absolutely beautiful in this cosplay! <3

Check out Crystalike's other cosplays!